急問...如何用英文介紹"我最喜歡"的歌手蔡依林?介紹蔡依林的一些相關話題和介紹她的專輯歌曲之類的都可以最好有中文翻譯..拜託拜託(希望不要用太難的單字)請各位大大能協助我拜託拜託....謝謝大家!!! 急問...如何用英文介紹蔡依林?facebook討論 急問...如何用英文介紹蔡依林?facebook粉絲頁 急問...如何用英文介紹蔡依林?facebook社團 最佳解答: 急問...如何用英文介紹蔡依林? My favorite Chinese lady crooner is Jolin Tsai, who is a savvy songbird in Taiwan. Jolin is an excellent and hard-working singer, she not only sings well, but also a great dancer. She used to be known as the "boy killer" because she was every schoolboy's fantasy girl. But now she's a bit older, she'd be considered the "man killer".我最愛的女歌手是蔡依林,是台灣最近最火紅的歌手。蔡依林是一位優秀又認真的藝人,不只歌唱得好,舞也是跳的非常棒。她過去一度被認為是"少男殺手",因為她是各校男生的夢中情人,但她日漸成熟而已經被認為是男性殺手了。Jolin is good at English, she graduated from the English Department of Fu Jen Catholic Universty. She said that she wants to be an English teacher if she wasn't a singer. 蔡依林的英文很好,她畢業於輔仁大學英文系。她曾說過如果不當藝人他想做當英文老師。Jolin acheived the Golden Tune Prize Best Female Singer Rewards this year by her latest album "Dancing Diva", which was the best-selling album in 2006. It also made Jolin to be the most watched female star in Taiwan. She performed very well at the Golden Melody AwardsCeremony, she drawed every audience's attention by singing and dancing. Her latest album of this year is going to be released in recent months. It must be the center of attention when the time comes.蔡依林在今年以"舞孃"拿下了金曲獎最佳國語女演唱人獎,舞孃在06年也是銷售量最高的一張專輯。金曲獎上,蔡依林是開場表演嘉賓,她又唱又跳著時吸引觀眾的目光。她今年最新的專輯將在下半年發行,屆時必定又成為萬眾矚目的焦點。我也愛Jolin,她從1019每張專輯我都有買 :D希望對你有幫助! 參考資料 我本人,文藻人 2007-06-26 01:13:20 補充 "crooner" 原本指的是"an entertainer who sings old popular songs with feeling" [以帶著感情的方式低唱老歌的歌手],但在此為"歌手"哦!如果你覺得難記就改成 singer吧,我只是想讓文章多點變化^^"savvy" 是指超人氣的意思,我翻成"火紅的"。如果難記可改為 most popular。"songbird"是女歌手。 參考資料 我我我Benny 相關詞: 蔡依林部落格,蔡依林花蝴蝶,蔡依林的歌,蔡依林2010新專輯,蔡依林三圍,蔡依林新歌,蔡依林美人計,蔡依林整形,蔡依林微博,蔡依林大丈夫蔡依林,quot,Jolin,英文,輔仁大學英文系,used to be known as,Chinese lady crooner,English,savvy songbird 以上來源:奇摩知識+若有侵權請來信告知謝謝 熱門關鍵字: |