

英语介绍蔡依林_ 教育/科学 外语学习 英语介绍蔡依林 2006-02-17 18:41 精精灵 四级采纳率26%擅长:暂未定制 2006-02-17 18:57胡耀坤蔡依林档案本名:蔡宜翎英文名: JOLIN小名:娃娃出生日期:1980-9-15身高:158CM生日:9.15星座:处女座专长:唱歌嗜好:研究健康资讯、看电影、出外游玩最爱的颜色:白、黑、粉蓝、粉红最爱的一本书:傲慢与偏见、我们不结婚好吗最爱的音乐型态:HIR-HOP、Pop Rock宗教信仰:佛教家中排行:排行老二口头禅:是喔! 、嘘收集品:手饰、低腰牛仔裤休闲嗜好:看电视、修指甲(做指甲艺术)最讨厌的事:失眠、胃痛最喜欢的事:表演(singing only)、和朋友聊天、买衣服最想见的人:Destiny`s Child、Madonna、金城武最尊敬的人:Mother最喜欢吃的菜:蒟蒻、秋葵、自己作的菜最喜欢的季节:凉凉的秋天最喜欢的动物:Dog最喜欢的花:百合、白色郁金香最喜欢的水果:都爱最喜欢的运动:羽球、桌球最喜欢的音乐:Hip hop、R&B、Pop Rock最喜欢的食物:水果、全麦吐司最讨厌(不吃)的食物:苦瓜、炸的东西、牛肉最满意的身体部位:眼睛、眼睫毛、指甲、头发自己最有信心的地方:目前是唱歌,以后就不知道了自己最不满意的身体部位:身高太矮最尴尬的事:被电梯门夹到最难忘的事:去纽约两个月游学最失望的事:没留学成功最喜欢的异性类型:有个性的帅(像金城武)、心地善良最喜欢的男演员:尼可拉斯凯吉、汤姆克鲁斯、还有一些新生代演员最喜欢的女演员:茱莉亚罗伯斯最喜欢的男歌手:陶吉吉最喜欢的女歌手:王菲欣赏异性由何处看起:脸的样子家庭成员:爸爸、妈妈、姊姊座右铭:最通俗的~胜不骄败不馁擅长的语言:国语、台语、英文特殊专长:胡思乱想最喜欢的饮料:低脂牛奶,矿泉水最喜欢的服装品牌:MISS SIXTY.Levis Jeans最喜欢的饰物:戒指 、低腰牛仔裤最喜欢的宠物:小狗最喜欢的作家:珍奥斯丁、藤井树最喜欢的人:母亲最喜欢的场所:热闹的地方最喜欢的中文字:凌最喜欢的数字:1019最喜欢的英文字:Victory最喜欢的交通工具:车最喜欢吃的零食:苏打饼乾、Diet Coke、蒟篛片最得意的事:有机会与罗南合作最想做的事:交男朋友、充实知识最头痛的事:拍照摆Pose最怕听到的话:脸变圆罗!最怕的动物(昆虫):蟑螂如果改行想作:英文老师、营养师自己最大的优点:神精大条自己最大的缺点:神精大条最喜欢的香水味道:sweet的水果味自己最满意的事:牙齿很整齐最喜欢收集的东西:低腰牛仔裤最想旅游的地方:法国最喜欢的发型:长直发生气时最想做的事:找人诉说、不理人委屈时最想做的事情:打电话、大哭初恋的年纪:18高兴时最想做的事:找朋友出去最想做的一件事:出国念六个月法文最喜欢的卡通:柯南最喜欢的日剧:没有最喜欢的漫画:没有最喜欢的节日:只要放假都喜欢最大的愿望:大家会喜欢我的专辑最喜欢的一部电影:My best friend’s wedding(新娘不是我)第一次打工的工作:没有蔡依林最希望结婚的年龄:30最不喜欢的国家:卫生环境不良的都不爱蔡依林曾经做过最疯狂的事:玩到早上五点蔡依林相不相信鬼神之说:一半一半蔡依林最害怕的异性类型:瘦到不行、很自以为是、没有主见世界末日时最想做的事:很开心地与大家同归於尽!蔡依林觉得自己是什麼样个性的人:随性、无所谓、糊涂蔡依林老了之后的生活:享福吧!或在使用SK2护肤蔡依林最遗憾的事:在高一时失去留学一年的机会蔡依林最想跟好朋友说的一句话:请支持我!时光倒流最想做的一件事:出国留学一年Cai depends on wood's fileAutonym:Cai's proper 翎English: JOLINChildhood name:DollDate of birth:1980-9-15Height:158CMBirthday:9.15Horoscope:Woman's of 处专长 :Sing a songHabit:Study the healthy 资讯 , see the 电影 and go out the 游 to playMost the color of 颜 of the 爱 :White, black, powder 蓝 , powder 红Most a 书 of the 爱 :The proud 与 is partial to the 见 , my 们 not good 吗 of the 结婚Most a 态 of the sound 乐 of the 爱 :HIR- HOP, Pop RockReligion and faith: the 佛 teachThe in home seniority: the seniority is old twoA 头禅 : is oh! , 嘘Collect the article: hand 饰 , low waist cowboy 裤Rest the habit of 闲 : see the 电视 and manicure( do the nail 艺术 )Most the business of the 讨厌 : suffer from insomnia, stomach-acheThe business of the most pleased 欢 : perform( the singing only), and friend's chat, clothes of 买Miss most the person of the 见 : Destiny` s Child, Madonna, impregnable city 武The most honorific person: MotherThe vegetables that the most pleased 欢 eat: the vegetables that 蒟蒻 , autumn 葵 , oneself makeThe quarter 节 of the most pleased 欢 : the autumn of the 凉凉The thing of 动 of the most pleased 欢 : DogThe flower of the most pleased 欢 : bulb of lily, white joss-stick of 郁 goldThe fruit of the most pleased 欢 : all 爱The 运动 of the most pleased 欢 : badminton, table tennisThe sound 乐 of the most pleased 欢 : Hip hop, R& B, Pop RockThe food of the most pleased 欢 : fruit, oast of whole 麦Most the food of the 讨厌 ( not eat): bitter gourd, the west of 东 , beef that fryMost the body 体 part of idea of 满 : eye, eyelashes, nail, 头发The oneself has most the place of confidence: currently is to sing a song, did not know with the 后The oneself is most not the body 体 part of idea of 满 : the height is too shortMost the business of the 尴尬 : was arrive by the 电 steps 门夹Most the matter that 难 forget: go to the 纽约两个 month 游学The most disappointed matter: the 没 stays the success of 学The type of 异类 of the most pleased 欢 : have the 个帅 ( be like the impregnable city 武 ), good naturedThe most pleased 欢 of male play the 员 : the 尼 can pull the 斯凯吉 , 汤姆 gram 鲁斯 , 还 to have some new generations to play the 员The woman of the most pleased 欢 plays the 员 : 茱莉亚罗伯斯The male singer of the most pleased 欢 : pottery 吉吉The female singer of the most pleased 欢 : king 菲The 欣赏异 from HE2 处 KAN 's: the son of 样 of the 脸The family becomes the 员 : father, 妈妈 , sisterA right 铭 : the most popular~ the 胜 is not the 骄败 is not the 馁Be good at the speech of 语 of the 长 : 国语 , pedestal 语 , EnglishSpecial 专长 : the 胡 thinks the 乱 to thinkThe 饮 of the most pleased 欢 anticipate: low fat milk, spring of 矿The most pleased 欢 takes the brand of 装 : MISS SIXTY.Levis JeansThe thing of 饰 of the most pleased 欢 : ring, low waist cowboy 裤The thing of 宠 of the most pleased 欢 : puppyThe writer of the most pleased 欢 : Jean's 奥斯 D, rattan well 树The person of the most pleased 欢 : female 亲The 场 of the most pleased 欢 : the place of the 热闹The Chinese word of the most pleased 欢 : 凌The word of 数 of the most pleased 欢 :1019The English word of the most pleased 欢 : VictoryThe pileup of the most pleased 欢 : 车The snack that the most pleased 欢 eat: the 苏 beats the 饼乾 , Diet Coke, the slice of 蒟篛The most satisfied matter: have the 机会 与罗 south cooperationThe matter that want most to do: hand over the boyfriend, the 充实 to know the 识Most the business of the 头 pain: take photo the 摆 PoseThe 话 that the most afraid 听 arrive: 脸变圆罗 !The most afraid thing of 动 ( the 昆虫 ): cockroachIf change profession to want to make: old 师 , 营养师 of EnglishBiggest 优点 in oneself: big 条 of the absolute being 精The oneself lacks the 点 biggestly: big 条 of the absolute being 精The perfume flavor of the most pleased 欢 : sweet fruit flavorThe oneself is most the business of idea of 满 : very whole 齐 of the tooth 齿The west of 东 of the most pleased 欢 collections: low waist cowboy 裤Want most to travel the place of the 游 : method 国The type of 发 of the most pleased 欢 : the 长 keeps the 发The matter that living the 气时 to want most to do: look for person the 诉说 and ignore the personThe affair that discommode the 时 to want most to do: beat the 电话 and weep aloudThe year 纪 of the early 恋 :18The matter that high 兴时 wants most to do: seek the friend to go outA matter that want most to do: a 国 reads aloud six month Frenches of 个The cartoon of the most pleased 欢 : ConanThe day 剧 of the most pleased 欢 : the 没 haveThe 漫画 of the most pleased 欢 : the 没 haveThe day of 节 of the most pleased 欢 : only have a holiday all pleased 欢The biggest 愿 hope: my专辑 of pleased 欢 of everyone 会A 电影 of the most pleased 欢 : the My best friend' the s wedding( bride is not I)Work work for the first time: the 没 haveCai depend on the wood hope most the 结婚 of year 龄 :30The house of 国 of the least pleased 欢 : the 卫 livings the 环境 bad of all not 爱Cai depends on the wood once the 经 does the 过 most crazy matter of 疯 : play five 点s of morningCai depend on the wood and does not believe the 说 of the ghost absolute being mutually: half halfCai depends on the most frightened the type of 异类 in wood: lose not to go, very from with 为 is, the 没 have the main 见The matter that the judgment day 时 in the world wants most to do: very noble-minded everyone of 与 of 开 is together the 归於尽 !Cai depends on LIN2 觉 to get the oneself is a 个 person of the 什麼样 : 随 , 无谓 , 糊涂Cai depended on LIN2 LAO3 it the life of the 后 : live a good life!Or at use the SK2 护肤Cai depend on the wood is most the 遗憾 of business: in the 机会 that the high 时 lose to stay a year of 学Cai depends on a 话 that the wood wants most to follow good friend 说 : the 请 back me up!A matter that light of 时 flows back to want most to do: a 国 stays a year of 学 2006-02-17 19:30水中有xxJolin is one of my favorite stars.About years ago, I knew her from TV. She looked pretty, long hair, big eyes and nice voice. From then on, I had paid much attention on her.However, good time didn't last long.During a period of time, there were few pieces of news of her. After the rain, comes the rainbow. Then she appeared with her EP.She beame more beautiful.Slim,confidence,mature are what I saw on her. Wish her a bright future! 2006-02-17 19:42yuxuan4490048介绍给你 很不错的我是学习俄语的 看英文书籍的时候就用这个 可好用了 2013-03-19 02:35445757122beautiful.Slim,confidence,mature are what I saw on her. Wish her a bright future! 2006-11-29 蔡依林英文简介 21 2006-11-05 蔡依林英文简介,短一些,亿份感谢 11 2007-12-19 我要一份蔡依琳的英文简介,简洁!!急!!!! 2009-01-08 关于蔡依琳的英语简介 5 2007-12-13 蔡依林的英文介绍!急求! 17 更多相关问题> 相关知识 英语介绍:自己 英语介绍:家乡 英语介绍:朋友 英语介绍:春节 2010-07-12 用英语介绍自己 180 2010-07-01 用英语介绍自己的朋友 87 2011-10-18 英语介绍自己的房间 84 2010-08-25 用英语介绍自己喜欢的书 33 2011-02-09 请用英语介绍一下自己 30 更多关于英语介绍:自己的问题> 2010-04-16 英语介绍家乡 64 2007-06-23 用英语介绍家乡:内蒙 32 2009-04-07 用英语介绍我的家乡济宁 25 2007-07-05 英语介绍家乡——宁波 23 2009-04-07 用英语介绍我的家乡曲阜 18 更多关于英语介绍:家乡的问题> 2009-01-13 用英语介绍朋友 710 2010-11-29 用英语介绍我的朋友 76 2009-08-20 用英语介绍自己的好朋友 201 2010-02-09 用英语介绍好朋友 31 2011-05-13 如何用英语介绍朋友 97 更多关于英语介绍:朋友的问题> 2007-01-07 用英语介绍春节 247 2009-02-03 用英语介绍春节,最好再有翻译! 102 2007-02-25 英语介绍春节 23 2009-01-20 用英语介绍春节,300到400个单词,最好有图片。 53 2009-11-17 求一篇用英语介绍春节的小短文. 206 更多关于英语介绍:春节的问题> 10 在线英语题,急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... 请问此时桌子会烫一个白色的圈吗? 30 疏入,上以为妄,不之省。翻译 同时学英语和日语和相互影响么 100 再来你们团找大神翻译,求准确,只采纳你们团的,求大神!不要机器... 我大银川学习雅思的地方!? 5 牛津小学英语5B期中复习 介词专项50题 many的比较级和最高级 更多等待您来回答的问题> 分享到: .ec_ads_wrapper{ width:100%;position:relative;zoom:1;margin-bottom:10px;font-size:12px;background:#f9f9f9; }.ec_ads{ border:1px solid #d6d6d6;padding:8px 30px;background:white; }.ec_ads_container{white-space:nowrap;width:100%;overflow:hidden;padding-left:1px;line-height:20px;}.ec_question_ads{padding-bottom:0;}.ec_question_ads h2{margin-bottom:8px;}.ec_qad{margin-bottom:12px;}.ec_qad .ec_qad_title a{text-decoration:underline;vertical-align:baseline;}.ec_qad .ec_qad_title a font{text-decoration:underline}.ec_qad .ec_qad_title{display:inline-block;width:450px;overflow:hidden;vertical-align:bottom;}.ec_qad_answerer{color:#666;width:175px;text-align:right;display:inline-block;white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;height:20px;line-height:20px;vertical-align:bottom}.ec_qad_answerer a{margin-right:3px;text-decoration:underline;}.ec_qad_answer{white-space:normal;max-height:38px;overflow:hidden;clear:both;}.ec_ads a.ec_ad_title{text-decoration:underline;}.ec_ads a.ec_ad_title font{text-decoration:underline;} 推广链接英语零基础学习天猫年中大促,疯砍至5折,亿元补贴电器城24大品牌,正品承诺,售后无忧 英语学习方法-英语学习方法卡特4000005152不满意退费英语学习方法首选河南卡特,多年专注英语学习方法培训,权威教师亲自授课,英语学习方 全日制英语学校:电话 0755-86194750深美国际学校引进并采用美国本土学校及学区普遍使用的课本和教科书.它为居住在中国 普通登录 手机登录 还没有百度账号?立即注册 12 英语零基础学习天猫年中大促,疯砍至5折,亿元补贴电器城24大品牌,正品承诺,售后无忧英语学习方法-英语学习方法..英语学习方法首选河南卡特,多年专注英语学习方法培训,权威教师亲自授课,英语学习方全日制英语学校:电话 0755-8..深美国际学校引进并采用美国本土学校及学区普遍使用的课本和教科书.它为居住在中国..www.szsais.org英语游学英语游学水平的一个项目.招生范围12周岁以上,周期为4周,6周,8周.www.chocolate88.com航空英语首选上海丝翼航空英语上海丝翼专业的航空英语,快速学会提高航空英语,轻松面对.www.chinasilkwing.com爱相约英语聊天交友 轻松交友让您轻松与世界各地的朋友零距离对话亚洲及世界各国会员寻觅中国友谊www.chineselovelinks.com来百度推广外语学习 精彩知识在知道大米镉超标,毒大米是怎么种出来的?H7N9禽流感来了!家禽还能吃吗?妈妈最易误判的6大婴幼儿疾病!北京四中高三名师解答高考疑难问题!

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